Thursday, June 11, 2015


Written in December 2013...A prophecy coming true

Prophetic History is never linear. It is circular. Where we are on the great wheel of history helps us understand the past present and future. The Jewish mind in the time of the ancient writings saw history as a cycle.

Our western linear thinking makes us think that things must be future based, they are, but they are simply repeats of what has been. That's why scripture is so helpful to understand the times and seasons. There are events that foretell where things are on the great cycle. One thing is certain; Israel, spiritual and natural (Chosen People) is a key in understanding the benchmarks prophetically. It is a conundrum.

God's plan shoots like an arrow thru history, yet the cycle is how we grasp eternal truths. It's a convergence of eternal truth and humanities propensity to fall. Pagan peoples always embraced the cycle. Too many Christians have ignored the cycle and only embraced the arrow which points to an end time, a final conflict, a rapture, an event culminating in the coming of the Lord. It's a difficult thing to reconcile the human mind's incapacity to grasp eternity... yet to see the future history you must.

Here's what the Lord has shown prophetically in light of these things:

We are going to go descend further in our global culture. Life will become less and less valuable to the culture at large. Killing people for "reason" (sick, in the womb, mentally challenged, old, impaired, insanity or racially different) will become acceptable.

The attack on the family will grow driven by a demon that embraces homosexuality, destruction of all marriage, sexual insanity and the resultant children of those "families" will become pagan change agents for the worse. This will be promoted by the False Prophet (the cultural spirit embodied by media and entertainment)

Wars not yet imagined will break out as things change. Some will become severe. They will be racial, cultural (yes the cold civil war will become hot) and international as countries attempt to stop what they see as danger by imposing war against a source of the danger as they see it. It will happen as certain countries begin to see the USA (or any other nation) as a danger along the lines of how we saw Iraq after 2001. We went to war because we thought there were WMD's in an unstable nation. That license to conduct a preemptive war is now about to be exercised by other countries and if the USA becomes more unstable than it is today, we will see those nations attack the USA preemptively.

The imagined alliances in the world will dissolve under these attacks. Any illusion that France, Germany or England will come to our aid under such an attack is fantasy.

There are no global military to stand down a China or Russia who sees the USA as a global danger by taking direct action against her.

As things deteriorate, there will be attempts again and again to take control of other dangerous nations as a precursor. Mexico is one such by its continued lawlessness and corruption (there are small signs there may be progress in this area) stands vulnerable to invasion. IF a nation with a huge military were to move against Mexico (see Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela) supported by a Russian or Chinese Army and all it's might in a 3 pronged attack, do you imagine our government in its weakened condition trying to defend such action? Mexico would fall. I see this coming to a head.

This is not to be feared, it is the wars and rumors that are always with us and will be again. They are threatenings. God may in his mercy judge those but the real judgment is the heeding to the false prophet of the Beast that has brought us to this point. The apex that was the USA a generation ago that knew God now has become a nadir to a generation that has forgotten who God is. That cycle has been part of humanity since Joseph in Egypt. It is again.

God hasn't forgotten us, he wants us to be aware of what our decline and degradation has cost us. How the decisions we made over the last 50 years have brought us to this point. Even mentioning the reasoning of God as he says to us, "Let us reason together" is an offense to the false prophet.

We can only pray and act to have a real impact on a culture and society that no longer knows God.

Joseph arise! God have Mercy

Facing the End with Optimism
The time of this trouble in our world will be global. The high will be brought low.  This will appear to be a good thing for those who are low and feel like the high and mighty deserve this.  The problem is the low will be brought lower and many will not survive this time.

This is not the great tribulation, it is A great tribulation.  It comes as a curse on those nations who have substantially abandoned God and turned to their own ways.  Judgment was always declared on nations, but people in nations suffered.  "All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; Matthew 25:32

There  is going be a complete economic reset in the nations, particularly harsh among those nations who have tried to game the global economic system to sustain unstainables mostly in western countries.  This will mean the collapse of currencies.  This will mean warfare intranationally (civil war) as services collapse.  It will start slowly; Detroit was considered a black swan.  That destiny waits for many cities, states and nations. Prophets have declared in the past that Detroit would be a pattern for the nation.  Many spiritual leaders didn't think it would be like this.  Other cities will collapse, then states and eventually the whole nation.

Once one large western nation collapses, other economic dominoes will follow; one at a time.

That will create the chaos that neutralizes the supposed power of a one world currency.

People will form these smaller subcultures.  Skill will once again become the currency of exchange.  I will do for you as you do for me.  Exchange will be conducted with hand written IOUs in small community groups.  Those who have nothing to offer (skill), those who cannot contribute in these small sustaining subcultures will die.  Man's fallen nature will not support one another in a godless society.  Give to get.  Dog eat dog. Raw survival.

Add to this the constancy of violent global weather conditions, not unusual, just constant. This will result in unmet needs in nations.  When earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, epidemics, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, landslides and a hundred other killer events occur after a global economic collapse (I promise one is coming) there will be no response.  There will be no one able to respond. People will perish.  There will be much death and destruction from this.  There is hope however and it bears the signs of rebirth.  Read on. All this seems like doom and gloom and the end of all things.  It's not, its birth pangs as the Kingdom of God is advancing.

Those who look to these events as the end of the world aren't looking at the optimistic future I see. BUT, you can say, "Doesn’t seem very optimistic to me".  NO, if we depend on our leadership, our government or the corrupt world economic system, we have good reasons for pessimism.

There is no cause for optimism as long as two altars are erected in every home, city, church, state and nation.  One allegedly to the God of our Fathers and one to the Beast supported by the false prophet.  We have that situation now. There are two altars in many churches, Baal and God.  One is an altar of prosperity and fertility (Baal) and one is to Father God (giving lip service to trusting HIM for provision and protection).  It's time for one of them to be torn down.

The result of Baal worship is that those who support it become dog food.  Jezebel and Ahab were a type of this religious system of government with it false prophets who supported this evil government and economic bondage system (as is being formed right now in the USA).  The worship of Baal was for the purpose of assuring prosperity. That's the antichrist system we have in effect today.   You don't have to look for the antichrist spirit; he is in the news every day.  You don't have to wonder what religious governmental combine is supported by this.  It's global.

It's a strange combination, the false prophet is encouraging tolerance by imposing intolerance.  Islam is one such, but as John the Apostle said, the antichrist is already in the world and there are many antichrists.

When you see a false worship based on peace and prosperity wrapped up in government and supported by media with a degraded culture (as seen on TV and it's not Sham Wow) you see the beginning of the day when it must all be thrown down by the Eunuchs and consumed by the dogs. THROW HER DOWN.

There will be places of refuge, but they won't be predictable.  They will happen as the Holy Spirit manifests Christ among us.  Many places will remain in deep darkness, but the Holy Spirit will brood above the deep darkness and bring light at His Word.

This will result in the greatest awakening the world has ever known, even in Israel spiritual birth will come as a sign and a wonder.  Jesus will be manifested even greater than we have ever known.  Nearly all churches, as we have known them will dissolve. Our focus on some supposed future event will be discarded for the realization that here and now is the fullness of the Presence of Christ.  In the natural tragedies of flood and famine there will be supernatural events that point to the true and living God. Manna, Healing, Wholeness, Provision.  It is that happening at the hands of Holy Ghost empowered witnesses (not witnessing, being witnesses) demonstrating deliverance to the nations.

This will require sacrificing all the priests of Baal in our lives.  No more can we be of two opinions.  Now only one.

Our God is one.... and HE IS ABLE
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