Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Pricing for 2024 Bare Root Plants Available as of Feb 1


Almond, Russian 12"-24" 500+ $3.20
Arrowwood 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 5000+ $3.10
Ash, Green 12"-24" 500+ $2.90
Aspen, Quaking 12"-18" 2950 $3.00
  18"-24" 500 $3.80
Birch, Paper 12"-18" 2000+ $3.10
Cherry, Black 6"-12" W.L. $0.00
  12"-18" 3700 $2.40
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.80
  2'-3' 900 $3.40
Cherry, Sand 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.90
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.10
Chokeberry, Black 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.60
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.10
Chokeberry, Black -- 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
      'McKenzie' 12"-18" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.60
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.10
Chokecherry, Common 8"-12" S.O. $0.00
  18"-24" 10000+ $2.70
  2'-3' 10000+ $3.10
  3'-4' 5000+ $3.90
Cotoneaster, Acutifolia 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.70
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
Cotoneaster, Lucidious 12"-18" 5000+ $2.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.70
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
Cottonwood, Common 12"-18" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.90
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.30
  3'-4' 5000+ $4.10
  4'-5' 5000+ $4.80
  5'-6' 5000+ $6.60
Cottonwood, Male 12"-18" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.90
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.30
  3'-4' 5000+ $4.10
  4'-5' 5000+ $4.80
  5'-6' 5000+ $6.60
Cranberrybush, American 3-6" S.O. $0.00
  6-12" 10000+ $2.30
  12"-18" 5000 $2.90
Crabapple, Midwest 6"-18" S.O. $0.00
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.90
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
Crabapple, Red Splendor 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.90
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
Crabapple, Siberian 6-12" S.O. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.90
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
Dogwood, Gray 12"-18" 1600 $2.10
  18"-24" 5500 $2.60
  2'-3' 1100 $3.10
Dogwood, Redosier 12"-18" 3000+ $2.10
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.60
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.10
  3'-4' 5000+ $3.40
Dogwood, Silky 12"-18" 550 $1.90
  18"-24" 4400 $2.50
  2'-3' 2300 $2.80
Elderberry 06"-12" S.O. $0.00
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.30
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.70
Hackberry 12"-18" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.70
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
  3'-4' 5000+ $4.10
Hazelnut, American 6"-12" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 2500 $3.10
Hickory, Bitternut 18"-24" 150 $7.10
Honeylocust, Thornless 12"-24" 1000+ $3.20
Honeysuckle, Freedom 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  12"-18" 5000+ $3.10
  18"-24" 5000+ $3.70
Indigo, False 6"-12" S.O. $0.00

12"-18" 3000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 3000+ $2.70
  2'-3' 3000+ $3.10
Lilac, Common Purple 3"-6" S.O. $0.00
  6"-12" 5000+ $2.20
  12"-18" 10000+ $2.60
Lilac, Villosa 3"-6" S.O. $0.00
  6"-12" 10000+ $2.20
Linden, American 3"-6" S.O. $0.00
  6"-12" 10000+ $3.50
  12"-18" 10000+ $3.80
  2'-3' 10000+ $6.60
  3'-4' 10000+ $7.90
  4'-5' 10000+ $9.30
Maple, Amur 12"-18" 3000+ $2.20
  18"-24" 3000+ $2.80
Maple, Rubrum 9-12" W.L. $0.00

12"-18" 3,700 $2.40
  18"-24" 2,300 $2.70
Maple, Silver 12"-18" 5000+ $2.10
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.50
  2'-3' 5000+ $2.90
  3'-4' 5000+ $4.10
Nannyberry 6"-12" 10,000+ $2.00
Oak, Bur 6"-12" 10000+ $2.10
  12"-18" 10000+ $2.60
Oak, Pin 12"-18" 2000+ $3.70
Oak, Red 9"-12" 1000+ $2.00
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 5000+ $3.00
Oak, Swamp White 9"-12" 5000+ $2.10
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 5000+ $3.00
  2'-3' 2700 $3.60
Oak, White 6"-12" 5000+ $2.10
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.40
Olive, Russian 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  12"-18" 2000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 2000+ $2.70
Plum, American 6"-12" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.80
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
  3'-4' 2000+ $3.60
Poplar, Lombardy 18"-24" W.L. $0.00
  2'-3' 250 $3.00
  3'-4' 50 $3.30
  4'-5' 250 $3.60
Poplar, Norway 18"-24" 5000+ $2.60
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.00
  3'-4' 5000+ $3.60
  4'-5' 5000+ $4.10
  5'-6' 2000+ $4.90
Poplar, Siouxland 18"-24" 3000+ $2.60
  2'-3' 3000+ $3.00
  3'-4' 3000+ $3.60
  4'-5' 3000+ $4.10
  5'-6' 2000+ $4.90
Rose, Hansen Hedge 12"-18" 1000+ $2.20
  18"-24" 1000+ $2.70
Rose, Rugosa 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.00
  18"-24' 5000+ $2.50
Serviceberry, Alleghany 12"-18" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 1000+ $2.70
  2'-3' 2000+ $3.20
Sumac, Skunkbush 12"-24" 5000+ $2.70
Sumac, Smooth 6"-12" S.O. $0.00
  12"-24" 5000+ $2.80
Walnut, Black 9"-12" 5000+ $1.90
  12"-18" 5000+ $2.40
  18"-24" 2000+ $2.80
Willow, Blue Artic 2'-3' 5000+ $3.10
Willow, Flame 12"-18" W.L. $0.00
  18"-24" 1000+ $2.80
  2'-3' 1000+ $3.10
Willow, Golden 18"-24" 2000+ $2.80
  2'-3' 2000+ $3.10
Willow, Hybrid 12"-18" 2000+ $2.60
  18"-24" 5000+ $2.90
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.20
  4'-5' 5000+ $4.90
Willow, Laurel Leaf 18"-24" 2575 $2.80
  2'-3' 1300 $3.10
Willow, Peach Leaf 18"-24" 3000+ $2.80
  2'-3' 3000+ $3.10
Willow, Sandbar 18"-24" 5000+ $2.80
  2'-3' 5000+ $3.10

Sunday, April 23, 2023


The Picture they deemed hate speech


Now we know who and what they are.  

Not people you want living in my community EVER!  Know who Evil really is.

Monday, March 08, 2021


Closed Circuit for Select People

 In order to help those making the next selection from Candidates, I offer this insight hammered out on the anvil of experience:

Thoughts on Candidate Selection

 We aren’t in trouble, this isn’t a broken church.  This is a vital dynamic church on the verge of really good things.  We have a powerful set of leaders and effective ministries in place. The building blocks for greatness are in here.

 This is the opposite of a burned over work, this is a Holy fire that needs someone who won’t accidentally extinguish it. 

 A micro manager someone who comes in and at once strives to make it in “his image” would be a catastrophe.  I have seen this before. Great church destroyed by a micromanager.

Preaching in such a work needs to be inspirational but also growth building.  Mile wide - inch deep preaching is easy but worthless when building on a growing work.  Preaching with power is great but doesn’t build a church.  Making disciples isn't always inspiration. Sometimes it is just hard work.

Damian has proven that Preaching ability is NOT the most important skill set in the skill stack of a Lead Pastor.  It should be ranked number 5 or 6 in importance.  Many great preachers aren’t good money managers, people builders, encouragers, counselors, theologians or have genuine intimacy with God.  Vision must come from Prayer and Revelation.  Not a book.  Vision is not just for growth in numbers but development of the saints present and willing as well as those who come.  Maturity in the congregation of River City is profound and growing.

New Pastor must understand the quality of the congregation.  River City for the most part is made up of well seasoned saints who want to help, contribute and build.   Respect them and honor them for the devotion they show.  These are people unafraid to put their money and time into whatever it takes.  You can’t manufacture this without real depth.  It can be killed however.

A good leader will allow for dissent and correction from those he is leading, not being bulldozed as the Apostle Paul never was when he was opposed, but on the other hand not crushing those he comes up against that are in good faith.  The Epistles are full of this; Galatians in particular.  Accountability in Godly correction for leaders must be transparently available.Teachablity is a key strength for good leaders.

We know that the fellowship flavor and anointing flows down from Aaron’s beard, therefore we must KNOW the new Aaron well and trust him implicitly.

David’s older brothers looked terrific when they were selected by Jesse who presented them to Samuel for anointing.  Let’s not make the mistake that Samuel would have made if he wasn’t hearing from God.  Looking great on the platform or in person is often a trap less mature fall into.

Vision is the antidote to perishing for a congregation.  Without vision the people perish, we all know that, we must have vision, but it must be vision that will be embraced by the congregation.  And in particular leadership.  People are willing to get on board, if the vision doesn’t point to perishing.

No matter the candidate, we must KNOW him intimately.  Who made him is how we will be made as a congregation.  There a formal "INNERVIEW" that can be conducted in front of decision makers to properly evaluate a candidate.  There is an innerview format to use if you choose to.   I didn't write it.  I know who did.  It is posted below (which see),

He must have the ability to set boundaries without being a micromanager.  This skill is not learned, it is a personality trait.  Done right it is freeing. Done wrong will kill a church.  We lead from our wounded places for the most part.  Sometimes that leads to micromanagement.

 The candidate must be able to define “His Story” in “his History”.  The story of his life is critical because it is who he is today and won’t change. 

A key is motivation, is this opportunity a step up, a step back, a lateral move and why even do this?  What is the motivator for this consideration for the candidate?

 The foundation of what River City has done is important.  There is always a temptation to try to change the foundation of the work.  Too much of “Tear down and build up” (Re Jeremiah) can kill a work if done wrong” 

Not every vision given from a new leader who comes in should require re-vision.  If it isn’t actually broken, don’t try to fix it. 

Trust in the candidate must be first and foremost, first for the board, then for the congregation.  Without profound trust nothing can happen.  We should be willing to put resources blindly into the Pastor’s hands (as I have done) for him to use in benevolence or missions as he sees fit and never have a second of questioning if he will use it for the kingdom or a new set of tires for his Mercedes.


The Innerview to develop Insight into a Candidate’s Life

 Foundational Questions to break the ice

    Where did you grow up?

    What kind of activities were you involved in as a kid?

    Tell me about your first job.

    What were your primary interests in school subjects?

    Tell me about your family.  Dad, mom, siblings, grandparents.  Looking for roots.

    What do you do for fun? 


Why and What questions can discover personal motivation:   

    Why did you pick that particular school?  (after identifying)

    What caused you to study                      ?

    What brought you to your current work?

    What direction did you go in right after high school?

    What hobby(s) outside of work? How did you get involved in that hobby?


Value based questions

    Tell me about the top 3 people who have had a major impact on your life.

    If you had to do it all over again what, if anything, would you do differently?

    If there were a major turning point in your life what might that be?  Dig in here.

    There are many highs and lows we all go through in life. Which of them either a high or a   low is there that had a significant influence on you?  And conversely a (low or  high)

    What words of wisdom would you give a young person if he/she sought your advice?

    If you could go back in time to 15 year old YOU, what would you tell him or advice?     

    How would you sum up your personal philosophy in a few sentences?


Questions of a Spiritual Nature.

            Your salvation story - how where and when?

            3 of the most impactful encounters with the Holy you ever had

            What did you once believe theologically that you no longer do?

            When did you know that you knew your calling from God.

            What do you believe your gift is would be primarily defined as.

                        With what do you believe is your primary 5 fold grace

            I won’t ask you about your prayer life, I assume it, but if you want to address it…

            Who are the top 5 spiritual influencers in your current life.

            Who are the top 5 leaders from the past that inform your theology.

For example Wiggleworth, Spurgeon or Frances Schaeffer.

Who has been the most important personal mentor in your development.  Tell us about him.

Who (not a name, a person formed) is one that you have mentored successfully

Tell us about people you invested in who failed to follow thru? Painful when it happens.  What could you have done differently.

            What are the top 3 skill sets you bring to this potential new call?  What are skill sets you would hope to develop team around (for areas in which you are not as strong)?

            If you became lead Pastor of this church how long do you see yourself staying (if the Lord  Wills)?



Sunday, May 17, 2020


38W183 Joan Drive Details

There is some question about the total square feet.  Doing the calculation it appears to be nearly 2000 according to some people.  The floor plan will help us clear that up.

Details of 38W183 Joan Drive
ST Charles IL  60175
Floor Plan above
Lot Layout below
Details about the Kitchen, Sun Room Atrium, The Downstairs and the garage
An expanded list of features

Special Notes about various rooms

Things to Note in the Kitchen

The place where the Toaster oven and Microwave are is where the Fridge was supposed to go.  OOPS slightly too wide.  But there are lots of them available at Lowes that will fit fine. Price is right too.  It’s all hooked up to reverse osmosis, a dispenser in the door makes sense.  Perfect Clear Ice cubes too. We plan to take the fridge with.

The cabinet next to my brown chair is in fact useful as a pantry and storage.  It was supposed to go where the Fridge is now.    It didn’t.  We will leave it for you..

The fireplace burns wood. We had considered converting to Gas. Never did.  Would be easy to do.

Most of the lighting in the house is now LED.  All in the kitchen.

Things to note in the Sun Room Atrium
There is a temperature controlled exhaust fan.
In season we cover the top with a screen to insure use in all year round.
The gas furnace keeps it as warm as you would like it. 

Things to note downstairs
The Shelving we installed can be taken down or left if you want it.  We like having a lot of storage… so we do.
The washer and dryer stays… if you want it.
The crawl space is overflow storage if you need it.

Things to Note in the Garage.

Has been a workshop project center.  Freezer does not stay.
Shelving on the wall with the window does not stay.
There is plenty of extra paint for touch up as needed.
We have a competitive quote for leveling the cracks on the garage floor and having it covered in epoxy. 

There are screens for all the windows.  We seldom use them.  The AC works fine.

 Things special about our home:

3 Bedrooms and 2 full baths (one with a shower only) and lots of closet space-- Living Room / Dining area, Family Room and Kitchen with Parquet wood floor in Family Room---
Wood burning fireplace (can be converted to Natural Gas)--
large Finished Basement - tons of dry storage--

Double Sump Pumps and Water Softener systems installed--

Attached Heated Atrium (greenhouse)—4 seasons

Mature stable safe shady (Lots of trees) friendly neighborhood--

4' Chain Linked fenced yard with lockable gates--
2 Chain link Fenced lockable dog runs--

New Air Conditioner in 2015--

Reverse Osmosis Water Purification System installed--

New Driveway in 2007--

TV Antenna System - 70+ Free Channels (43 unique English Language channels)-  Several in Spanish and other languages

Landscaped for Privacy and Wind protection--  And a little hideaway by the Chimenea

Garden Space and Perennial garden spaces-- Fruiting Raspberry Cluster (Hill)--

Timer Controlled Street Lamp-- Motion Detecting Driveway and Entrance Lights--

Back Yard Barn for Storage-- Water plumbed to backyard forested area for small nursery or for other uses (Chickens and a coop (for eggs) are allowed by zoning in rural St Charles TWP)---

220 Volt outlet in garage.  Currently two 30 amp 110s.  ---- Workbench in the garage.  There is a space next to the driveway where we have parked an extra vehicle. Wired for Internet

Close to upscale shopping mall, home improvement outlets, 9 different grocery stores and 7 different fitness centers---

Deadbolt locking steel entrance doors---
New Roof (good for 30 years) Structurally Reinforced.---

Rural St Charles Township, low taxes.  NO HOA--- St Charles School District (one of the best in Illinois)

New Gas Range, dishwasher --- Area set aside for a Refrigerator almost like built in.  Free standing pantry.  Lots of storage space. 
Utility Room with new Washing Machine / dryer Included

The neighborhood is the real key.  It is filled with trees, protected, friendly and safe neighbors.  We are only moving a few houses down the street for more space.  There is great potential for an all on one floor home for someone who doesn't love stairs.  It is very close to all kinds of amenities.  You can walk to Costco.  Yet we are NOT in the city, this is rural St. Charles Twp.  Well maintained streets and services.


 Water Park across the street and lots of football and soccer and hiking

A beautiful fruitless pink flowering Crabapple

A little Hideaway with a chiminea.  

Huge Sweetbay Magnolia

 Note the flowering and the extra parking place beside the driveway

This can be YOUR front door

Saturday, March 14, 2020


The word posted as Word of The Lord 2020

Word of the Lord for 2020

As we look at the year 2020 with eyes of faith and the Spirit of Prophecy, there is a change that has and is taking place.  Here’s what I see:
There is expanding faith in Christ emerging around the world.  Even in pagan Europe and much of the USA there is a hunger for reality.  I won’t call it revival.  It’s more than that.  It’s an awaking to the Truth.  You see it in countries many times in open opposition to faith in Christ. In the USA it’s not happening inside the church.. it is happening in arenas the church has never been able to reach nor accept.  Kanye West is the crack in the door that is opening.  Many doubt of his conversion.  This is not good.  We can’t know. We can only look at the fruit of his evangelization.  Downplaying this will cause a cloud to hang over him as he does what he believes is right.  The next move of God is ALWAYS rejected by the last one.  It’s high time for a fresh wave.  There are many ready to take the place of those who came before and they will do it better than we did.  The baton is being passed into good hands.

Many in the public arena have begun to openly declare their faith in God.  The godlessness of our society is taking a toll on families and children in particular.  While it seems desperate, there is always a powerful reaction to the vacuum created by faithlessness.  The God shaped hole in the soul is a real thing.

In addition to the reaction of society in the USA to the emptiness now apparent in our culture, there are reactions taking place to the rapid normalization of things only a couple decades ago would have been considered aberrations.  These are not yet pushed back but there is an Ebenezer stone standing against such.. even in secular culture.  The culture is waking up.  There is a turn.  A shift.  A new wave is coming.  Much of the establishment will decry the cultural rejection of many of those things that are now openly accepted.

It is as if there has been a great plague of locusts that has invaded and destroyed our nation from within.  They have eaten away at things that were intended to stand.  They have become the norm.  Many simply accepted these things or hid their head in the sand.  They turned away from the invasion of locusts and therefore let it happen… as the hoards chewed away.
Normalized in the last quarter century by this hoard of locusts:
  1. Accepted open Homosexuality
  2. Homosexual Marriage
  3. Transsexuals as normal
  4. Open and legal pot use
  5. Abortion becoming almost a sacrament, reinforced by the supreme court
  6. Cancel Culture -  trying to destroy people with opposing worldviews
  7. Racism real and imagined.  Too many false alarms by the locusts degraded .
  8. Increasing acceptance of Socialism as a solution for America which has failed every time it’s been tried.  The locust of lies.
  9. Changing anything that makes life tolerable in the vain hope that we can control our climate which is always changing.  A phantom menace locust
  10. Sustainability fraud that has become a near religion along with climate change.  The whole green energy fiasco.  It can’t work unless we go back to the dark ages.  No one who doesn’t encourage the use of nuclear energy isn’t serious about being sustainable or green.   In fact is the locust of control and taxation
  11. Acceptance of fraudulent voting particularly by those not citizens
  12. An openly corrupt biased and deceitful media landscape is a key locust
  13. Movies and TV that once would have been horror shows not normal.  Violent and  degraded movies are now the norm. 
  14. The idea that owning a gun is somehow immoral and needs to be stopped. This is a locust that will get people killed. 
  15. The argument by some locusts that pedophilia is normal and should be accepted.
  16. Fear based anything is now being rejected.  We have had too many false alarms, doomsday predictions and pronouncements like “We are running out of oil” 
  17. The whole “WOKE” culture locust is being rejected by the masses
  18. Recognizing that the idea that internationally we can all get along by sacrificing ourselves is now in full retreat.  This is a compromise locust.
  19. The so called resistance and its brown shirt locusts, the ANTIFA mafia is being rejected.  They don’t represent anyone except anarchy.  This goes for many groups that started out with good intentions but have morphed into evil purposes.  The southern poverty law center is one such.  Many race based groups are now simply anti establishment without a purpose and people are rejecting this action.
  20. The war on Christianity, Christmas Easter and all such by the secular culture is being rejected.  Even secular people have had enough of this chewing locust.
  21. Morality as a lifestyle, keeping your word, staying clear minded and upright.  The single motherhood trend is reversing.  Not enough fathers have stepped up.  But some will.  The locust of bastard culture is being identified. 
  22. Open immorality which manifests itself in movies, TV, entertainment, music, stage plays and a sewer on the internet is being seen for what it is, a virus that must be corralled.  It is a pornography locust.
  23. The concept of Borders, Culture and Language is beginning to be recognized by many as the benchmarks of a civil society.  The open borders, all cultures are equal and multi linguistic USA is a locust that has impoverished us all.
  24. Acceptance that politicians who go into office flat broke come out as multimillionaires and there is no corruption.  This is a fraud locust.
  25. Protecting criminals because of ethnicity and allowing them to continue to steal, kill and destroy is a satanic locust.
While many wonder why these things have become normalized like the invasion of locusts it is, the truth is there has been prophetic silence on this except for a few.  Pulpits remain mute.  These changes took place right under our spiritual leaders noses without so much as a peep from them.  Shame on them.  We have a highest number of churches in Chicago and the highest crime rate in the USA.  There is a problem. These churches do not provide divine guidance, and worse in some cases justify the rebellion on the streets by social justice sermons.  Therefore:

When people do not receive divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.  Proverbs 29:18
There are many things that in the New Year will be welcome.  There are continual health advances.  There will once again be breakthrough discoveries and introductions that will promise longer and more fruitful lives.  As the Baby Boom generation continues to age.. This will change the face of aging even more.
The world is a more peaceful place than ever before.  It will continue.  We have just experienced one of the best decades in human history.  We are blessed to be alive at this time.
There will continue to be exposures that will rock the political, media and entertainment world.  The guardians of evil will try to protect those with ill intent but without success. 
Many will find themselves in alignment with people they never thought they could be.  Culturally, economic strata and ethnicity will matter less and less. 

There will come a rebellion in the spirit against all those things that war with the Body of Christ.  Make no mistake, the war is real and it is heating up.  Deciding what side you will take will require you to reject the mainstream culture that media and entertainment pushes down your throats. 
There is a force in the world that wants to corrupt you and your loved ones.  It is in direct opposition to the Divine Nature of Jesus in you:
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.  Through these He has given us His precious and magnificent promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge;  and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.  2 Peter 1:3-7
There is much to be thankful for in the year to come.  When we see past the news of the day and the drama inherit it, the constant repeat of tragic events, you will see the goodness and provision the Lord is being provided right now.  You are on the earth for a special time.  This is your call.. live and be a representative of all that is Christ.
Things that will come to pass.  Europe will find new leaders and new direction.  The former power structures cannot stand in the face of a renewed bold populace.  Look for Italy, France, Germany and Portugal to make a fresh start for the better.
China will continue to be a threat to the free world but will also demonstrate that it is in fact weaker than anyone understands.  Yes they have a great army and a great economic engine, but it cannot afford to wage war on its best customer.  The current policy of keeping them at bay is critical.  They are linked to North Korea which will rattle sabers but without effect.  China cannot afford a war there…again.  The efforts for reunification will come up.  The demands that Kim will make will stop any potential.  He can not relinquish his power and would require a unified Korea be under his influence.
The middle east will continue with eruptions of violence but at some point will become more peaceful.  Turkey continues to flex its muscle and will try to establish dominance.. without success.
Africa that has been so backwards and lost for so long will start to find new footings.  It is now the number one continent on the planet for Christianity.  That is about to make changes in the culture.
Venezuela will finally fall.  It will come from within and without.  This is like a giraffe balancing itself on the head of a pin. It can’t hold.
Hatred of Jews and Christians is going to increase in many places.  Mostly driven by an anti Christ spirit and the cult of Islam.  There will be calls to stop it, but the dominant culture really doesn’t want it to stop.  Secretly they want Christians to shut up.  Make no mistake there is no compromise with the culture that hates you and what you stand for.  This overt and direct persecution will purify believers and result in building the kingdom even more.
Education in the western world will go through a decline in acceptance.  This lack of  support for the indoctrination of young people without providing an actual education will result in more and more calls for the public sector to remove itself from this arena. 
Entertainment Media will try to shock in 2020.  Yet.. at the same time successful faith based movies and TV shows with compelling redemptive themes will emerge.  Not yet reversing the curse.. but pushing back.
Political upheaval at all levels of government is in full force.  Once again the plan of God in placing President Trump in his position will demonstrate what corruption there has been.  Much will be revealed.  Some not favorable for the President.  There will be continued attempts to silence him, some even physically.  He will not.  There are too many who pray strong prayers of protection.  Many of the old guard will be replaced, too few however.  The political and cultural divide will deepen but those who stand with the President will prevail.  
Discredited news media will suffer more and more with a doubtful eye.  Newspaper, TV, Cable and internet are now becoming sources of misinformation and propaganda.  This trend  will result in new outlets.. some not even yet understood to keep proper information flowing.  It is imperative for the Child of God to seek truth and reject lies.  There are so many.  Some coming from supposed godly sources. Not everything that comes from these shadowy sources is credible.
The traditional Church in the West has a serious illness.  They are dying of lack of viability and influence in its realm.  Many of these churches are closing.  In 2020 more than 5000 churches and parishes will close for lack of support.  At the same time in 2020 more than 4000 new church plants will spring up.  Many megachurches will absorb the diasporas of members and some of the new church plants will become statistics for closing in 2021.  The mainline and denominational churches will suffer the most closures.  This is actually healthy overall for the Body of Christ.  Life Death and Rebirth is the theme of the Kingdom.
The family in America will continue to find its new identity.  Right now unmarried couples living as family, many times blended is becoming a cultural norm.  Single Motherhood while on the decline will still be dominant in some circles.  Children raised without a foundation of faith will find themselves gullible to the wiles of the devil.  There is a need to restore the honor of marriage and family.  This used to be the mission of the church, but today we have churches with members and even those in leadership living in sin without recognition.  Marriage seminars are meaningless to the unmarried.  The family in the west and even in the church is in crisis.  This will continue because the culture has diluted the message of children and family from the Pulpit. 
The economy and business in 2020 will be volatile, more volatile than 2019, yet prosperity has a long tail.  There will be difficult, even frightening times in 2020.  Yet there are Godly men and women in business who will show themselves strong in the year to come and take a stand for righteousness.  Certainly there are charlatans, but those with honor and good intent will shine.   Look for open declarations of faith from more and more businesses.  Boycott will not be effective.  It wasn’t in 2019 and that lack of economic power the enemy has tried to wield has now been show to be empty.
The Child of God must stand in this time.   I hear the Lord giving this instruction to his sons and daughters:
Stay pure and walk in love.  The enemy is full of hate.. the antidote for this is
Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.  Hebrews 6:11-12
Be ready to give an answer when you are confronted by those against My Will:
 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be shaken.” But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope you possess. But respond with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who slander you may be put to shame by your good behavior in Christ.…   1 Peter 3:14-16
Do not compromise with the enemy.  I will deliver you.  In 1 Samuel chapter 11 there is a story that speaks to the danger of compromise.  The enemy wants you to compromise so he can disgrace the Kingdom.  Don’t fall prey to it.  Stand firm. 
Speak to the culture and those lost in it.  Use words of hope, not condemnation.  The enemy will condemn, I call to them.    They no longer are persuaded of their sin, but they are persuaded by their lack of hope.  Call to they by the Hope you have.

Do not believe in every lying spirit, old wives tale and conspiracy that you hear or read. Many of them are plots of the enemy to discourage you.  Do not be afraid for I am with you.  Victory is yours.. and you can walk in it despite the lies the enemy is using to try to stop you.
Word of the Lord

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