Saturday, August 17, 2024


Home Again Jiggity Jig

 Expecting nothing, They said she might have to spend another week.  Then, Peggy Texted me yesterday morning with these words,  "Start the Car".  inside joke.  In any case I was elated and that is an understatement.  It took all day Friday to get her out. We left the hospital about 1:30 got home at 3:15.  Took the whole afternoon. But she is unplugged from all the hoses and IVs. We did some additional modifications on the house to get her in and out.  Her spirits are good, but it's going to be a year. 

Sleeping again next to each other was a treat.  I'm no good without her and she's stronger than me.

She is learning to use the walker. PT will be coming in.   We need to keep her strength up.  AND WILL.

Already at home we had a near mishap.  She had a success in the can and gave the universal sign with two hands up.  Almost fell.  Scared us both.  But Kevin is here this morning making his special brew.

This gives me the chance to do a few errands.  Not quite ready for personal contact, we are playing it by ear.  But I'm thinking next week if you text her in advance that you would like to talk, she will be ready. It requires advance because if the PT folks are here or some other procedure is imminent, (we go into  the outpatient clinic in Chicago Northwestern Thursday).   

The human body is amazing and simply allowing it to heal without abuse is a gift from God.

So, from time to time here on out, if I have news I will post it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



I was with Peggy for several hours yesterday.  She is doing better every day.  They removed a lot of the bandages.  I saw the foot for the first time. This is going to be a while. We are hoping she will be able to put some weight on her foot in 6 months.  She can use a walker.  There  will need to be some orthopedic surgery to strengthen the bones that were broken in her foot.  She may be able to walk without assistance in a year.  No pain, but this is a long therapy.  I have a request.  Do not share with others what happened.  When she is home and able to take calls you can but please don't until we say so.  Otherwise it is just gossip when you do share with outsiders.  People love bad news and enjoy Schadenfreude.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


I will continue to update till she comes home, and then stop

I monitor the number of views of the posts I have made.  At the beginning there were a lot, 20 or so. It is dribbling off to yesterday, 1.  Not complaining, everyone has a life. We appreciate the prayers and cards.  But if no one is using this anymore, I will stop after I announce she is home.


Went well

 Her foot was unwrapped.  It is healing well.  She won't be able to put weight on it for a while.  The surgeons did an amazing job.  We are still hoping for return this week.  Don't know anything yet.  She is  now in physical therapy to learn to use a walker or something.

Monday, August 12, 2024


Peggy Update Mon 8/12

I was with her all day Sunday.  We are hopeful.  Today they are removing the bandages and seeing what is there.  She will  then start therapy if all is well.  We are really hopeful she will be home by Friday.  I'm anxious to have her home but it will be a new reality. I am not traveling at all. I will be with her constantly as a caregiver.  There is much to know as we walk this.  She is strong and resilient and hopeful.  We appreciate the lack of contact.  When she does talk to someone the grilling is painful and picks the scab off a healing wound. So until she is home, and we know what is going on and how it is going, please just see the blog for info.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Peggy Update

She had a good day Saturday.  I was with her most of the day.  She said this is our I'll push you Santiago trail life now.  It fits.  Our life will be more narrow for a while.  Things look good.   The surgeons will be looking everything over. There is no word on returning home.  We are ready. It will be a while, but she is ready to fight.  Peggy is amazing.  After the doctors look her over tomorrow, we will know more.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


August 10 Update on Peggy

It's been ten days since the accident.  The reality of it all is beginning to sink in.  Hoping that by spring we will walk together again.  No word on how soon she will come home. We try to keep each other's spirits up, but there are day.  Last night for both of us was just one such.  Tim and Kevin have been great. But the distance between us is hard.  We are better together.  We have no information, they keep testing with ultrasound for blood flow in the grafts and there seems to be some.  It's the weekend and the doctors take the weekend off.  So nothing will happen till Monday or Tuesday.  I will be going into town today and coming back late.  Kevin is driving in.  The air show is this weekend.  Getting around will be a hassle. Will take the train and Uber.   I'll know more after today.  We talked this morning but it is not the same as being in the room with her.

Friday, August 09, 2024


August 9, Peggy Update

 She is recuperating.  Slowly.  They have moved her out of ICU into a bed in a ward where skin flaps are worked with.  No pain. Her spirits are up.  She is amazing.  Looks like another week and then we'll see.  We have come to accept that the road back to whatever the new normal will be is not a choice.  We have to let her body, the Doctors and the Lord do this.   We are not sure how ambulatory she will be for a while.  We were together yesterday. I won't be able to see her today.  So any info I get will be from her.  I did talk to an ortho doc and he explained many things. 

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