Thursday, June 03, 2010


Entrepreneurial Development Program for the Community in Chicago

The purpose of this training regimen is not to just inspire, as important as that is, it is to equip those who are driven to excel at something no matter what and to help them do it effectively legally and for a profit. The Kingdom of God is built in part with money. If the saints are broke, the tithe on nothing is nothing. Those who are leaders must start to help those in their congregations become what God intended them to become. I wrote on this recently.
The Kobe Bryant story is key.

The economic times we are in will get worse, not better. That means that unless something changes, giving will get worse not better. Jobs as we once knew them are about to disappear. Go away. Who will hire people? We can help those in our congregations who are so wired to fulfil the destiny they have in them. It's more than inspiration, it's preparation. Consider the program I believe the Lord is Birthing right now. This has been a massive download of the Spirit in just the last two weeks. I covet your input, your correction, your endorsement, your questions. This thing is FRESH but can offer HOPE. As a Prophet, Equipping is what I am supposed to be about. Is hiring others and making a profit to tithe on a work of the ministry? I think it is.

This is a Six Week, once a week for Three Hours program of development. It is sequential. You will have to make all six to benefit. It is workshop. Then after the six weeks, there would be a once a month mentoring program for four months. I would anticipate up to 100 people to be part of this. There is power in numbers. I have led such sized groups in ten years of training people in the Dale Carnegie organization developing people in personal relationship, marketing, management and business development. That takes a person thru half a year to launch into whatever business or plan that is hidden in them. Every person has a purpose hidden in them. Finding it and putting it into action is the key.

This is important. This would NOT be free. Participants must pay for this. What you get for free you don't value. I wouldn't even encourage churches to SEND people to this. Lend money, maybe. This is a principle of you must learn to invest wisely. There is no book. No tapes. This must be specific to the person. I would envision that this program should be a net generation of income to churches that participate. More on that later.

NOT everyone is hard wired to be in business for themselves. In fact a disservice would be to try to plug a square peg into a round hole of business where that is not their strength. A key part of this is each week bringing in one leader from the community who actually made this work. This person must be full on community identity. He must be one to whom the community can relate. He or she must not have received a grant, government help, cheated, inherited or any such. They must be a prime example of someone who made it work because they followed principles. I wouldn't want someone with a prepackaged program. Amway or such. Or a franchise holder. Not that they are bad of themselves, these must be people who followed a dream and succeeded. I would avoid anyone from Sports, Entertainment, Education or Government. I would also avoid someone from Churches. We are looking to take the Business Mountain here.

So, we begin the process week by week. Starting with Screening:

First Session 7:30-10:30
A welcome and a disclaimer. "We can't and won't guarantee you will become a millionaire by participating in this training. But we can guarantee you will have a better chance if you do. Not everyone is hard wired do this. Yet there are those among you who can become much more independent and self supporting by this kind of equipping. You can do much for the kingdom of God by becoming more capable and directed. Christians should be on top.

We are designed to take dominion. The 7 mountain Challenge. Lance Wallnau teaching on it.

Inspirational Talk from a Biblical Basis from someone who has made it.

Now that you are properly motivated, the question is this; Are you hard wired emotionally, spiritually, and in your personality to do this? Not everyone is. It's no shame. But to follow this path and find yourself wanting will cause you to fail.

First an analysis of your readiness to be in business for yourself. This is a written T/F test instrument that questions you and your emotional readiness.

Discuss the results. Those who are ready to do this need to be sure they are emotionally ready to tackle this. This road is hard but has great reward for those ready to win.

Second, involve an instrument to measure the personality traits of a person who is going to be in business for themselves compared to those who should not. I can by this test tell someone quickly IF they have the foundational needs and drives to do this or if they should defer right now.

This isn't about education. This is about your mental, emotional and personality motives.

Then a strong motivational talk from a spiritual leader.

Close and invite people to sign up. Make it hard. We only want those motivated to do so.

During this time, a brief discussion helping people understand why we Might NOT want them to sign up. If they insist, fine, but warn off those who are not well equipped. Not everyone should do this.

Second Session 7:30-10:30
Finding your unique factor. The Dream God placed in you long ago. Every person is wired with things they love. Things they have always had an interest in. Things that the thought about as a young person. This is the hidden dream. Discovering it isn't hard, but we have to take the time to do it.

Inventory all of the things we know how to do. Skills. Ability. Talent. Capacity. Everything that is part of the equipment you already have.

THEN. List Everything I have ever thought I would like to do. ANYTHING I ever visioned myself doing. Everything I was good at. Everything I loved doing.

Then, translate these things into two or three potential business pathways built around them. If you don't love it you will fail. Do the thing you love and the money will follow. That's an inviolable rule. If you chase the money over something you love, you WILL FAIL. Guaranteed. Show me the money is a myth.

Inspirational talk by someone from the community who has made it.

Inspirational talk on WHY. The Video.

Start to create a mission. A vision. A purpose. A plan. What it would look like. Creative thinking exercise. Workshop this. Help them work it.

Close by saying even if you never DO this you will have a roadmap to something you will probably do at some point.

Third Session 7:30-10:30

Finding the who what where when why and how of your vision. IF I did this who will buy it, why should they, where are they located, when in life do they engage this, what will they be getting, how would it happen.

This is taking the vision and purpose from last week and finding the needs it fills that are there.

Now that we have figured out the who what where why, it's time for the HOW.

Questions you must answer for those regarding your product or service before anyone will buy

Discovering the core motivation of your target customer base and how to address it right.

How this gets done, resources to do it.

Inspirational talk from someone in the community who made it and has a story to tell.

Exploring all kinds of marketing plans and programs.

Fourth Session 7:30-10:30
Creating a roadmap to get where you want to go.

Now that you know what you want to do, how and where. Now What?

Inspirational Talk from the Community by someone who made it.

Now, creating a solid business plan you can take to a bank, to a friend, to supporters if you need to. Who is involved. What it looks like. Expectations. Mission and purpose. Resources needed. Resources available.

Here's where the rubber starts to meet the road. Hard work starts now. This will require clear evaluation. The back of a business card purpose yet fleshed out so people will grasp it.

This means that at the end of this session each participant should be able to stand and make a brief presentation on what their business plan is. In fact they all will. This is the workshop.

It is during this time we start to introduce the principles of personal business placement. Human interaction skill. The ability to influence and deal with people effectively is the linchpin of business success. Introduce the top 5. Workshop it.

Inspirational talk.

Fifth Session 7:30-10:30
Now that we have a roadmap to what we want, where it is and how. What do we do now? How do we manage our success.

Every business has five significant functions. Plan, Organize, Direct, Coordinate and Control.

In the beginning, that all seems pretty self evident. The one man shop does it all. Yet, over time, as things grow, it become so much more. When a business grows, learning to lay off certain functions on others of character and caliber will be essential for growth.

A talk from someone in the community who made it.

Workshop each of these. Lead on what will I do to accomplish these things. Start to create an action plan. A to do list. ABC priority.

Working from priority. Avoiding the Urgent over the Critical. Highest and best use.

Learning what to do with the money. Basic banking and money skills training.

Learning this truth from it, the most important person I can manage is ME.

Recommend the Success System that Never Fails as a source.

Espouse good personal discipline for success. Managing ourselves.

Becoming a student of success, not failure. MANAGE ME!!

Sixth Session 7:30-10:30
Share my own deconstruction, reconstruction. Success Failure. By now I will have earned the right to do so.

YOU WILL FAIL SOME. It's not a sin. It's not punishment. It's a process. Introduce the idea of failing UPWARDS. Building on your successes and building up from the failures.

The Author of Harry Potter. J C Penny. KFC.

When things go badly, and they will, you can make them work FOR you not against you.

Have a person from the community who made it, failed and started again to succeed come and speak.


Learn to analyse your defeats. Learn to grow from your failure. Learn to get up when you are beaten down. Sometimes volunteering, working as a trainee, working as a student of the business will give you the best background.

Training on Creative thinking. Destructive reinvention. The capacity to be self critical yet without defeat.

Learning the power of a clear goal.

Have each share once more, what they will do, how they will do it. What is the NEXT step.

Inspirational talk regarding not quitting.

Covenant for Mentoring.

Close. Present a certificate of completion.

Four Mentoring Sessions once a month are conducted after this. Meeting with them to create way around over or thru obstacles they have come up against.

This will bring a person to six months of development. Some will really make it. Many will be motivated to try and eventually will do better. Without this they may never make it. Let's see if we can help them.

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