Friday, March 21, 2008


How deep the racial wound really is - Who Inflicted it?

Comments from Pat Buchanan's Article

Over 1000 people have weighed in. This is not light. The wounds America feels over the destruction wrought by black racism are very deep. Obama is a divider led by Rev Jeremiah Wright.
Reader Comments: (

Here are the comments submitted by Human Events readers:
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Report Abusive PostThank you for this article,I'm 65yr old Black American and I
say "Ditto". No more of the sixties rheotoric from liberal politicians
Jacqueline Henneboehle, Saint Louis,Mo.
Mar 20, 2008 @ 11:24 PM
Report Abusive PostI am a white male and am sickened by the under lying racism against blacks that still exists,
I do not agree with the pastors comments,but at least he is not hiding his feelings the all the racists white folks who use the n word at home without any thought.These are gutless people who hide thier racism ,but is far worse because they are afraid to be confronted.The white man has been waiting for something like this to be brought up about Barack,so they can call him a racist so that they feel good about hating blacks. Let us talk about how white folks teach thier children and grandchildren to call blacks by the n word and hate them for no reason. This is the heart of conservative america and people who call themselves christians.Talk about this I dare yo.
chris, Toledo,OH
Mar 21, 2008 @ 12:38 AM
Report Abusive PostI think it's pretty clear now what Obama is all about. He's sat in church and associated with Rev. White for 20 years. All he can come up with is "I wasn't there when he said it"? Who is he trying to fool? Had he really disagreed with White's views and anti-american ramblings he would have parted ways, but no, he hung around for 20 years. I don't beleive for a second that he was/is opposed or offended by the ideas except for the affect they are having on his campaign. A few weeks ago his wife said a couple of times that this is the first time that she's proud of her country. Not surprising. That's what the Obama's believe and he's running for President of the United States? Let's compare that to the likes of Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, JFK, or Ronald Reagan to name a few. How about a little gratitude instead of attitude? He's a healer? Give me a break. Obama's a phony and a hypocrite and Pat Buchanan is dead on and has told it like it really is.
Gary, Las Vegas, NV
Mar 21, 2008 @ 01:53 AM
Report Abusive PostChris,
How much do I have to give before we are even? What do I have to do to prove that I am not racist? At what point is enough, enough.

I have my own idea what the answer is. Once we stop looking at issues as race sensitive and start looking at them as what they are, we will be moving in the right direction. So long as you run around judging issues by the color of a mans skin, rather than what is right and wrong, you will be the racist. You are the guilty white man who keeps trying to overcompensate for his actions and thoughts. You project your own feelings on to others to make yourself feel better. So long as racists like you continue distracting others from the issues, you will never move forward. Good luck my friend. I hope you stop feeling guilty and join the rest of us who really don't care about excuses and divisive arguments. Bring your friends... all are welcome.
adam, tampa
Mar 21, 2008 @ 02:06 AM
Report Abusive Post@ Chris from Toledo....with all due respect, how in the world could you possibly know what people say in the privacy of their own homes? And who are you to accuse white people of teaching their children and grandchildren to hate blacks? That's pure lunacy and arrogance on your part , to think you know what's in the heart's of others.
Karen, Los Angeles, CA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 02:33 AM
Report Abusive PostChris, As a conservative Christian white male I have never used the 'n' word! My father and mother never used, nor taught me to use the 'n' word and i will never teach my kids to use the 'n' word. But when are blacks going to stop using the 'n' word? Conservatives have done more for racial equality than libs have. We have been trying to get rid of Affirmative Action for years! AA is doing nothing but spoon feeding the minorities in this country. Same with welfare and food stamps. These programs have been a crutch of blacks for too long. I come from a family who doesn't have a lot of money. My dad was a pastor and my mom works in a doctors office. There were times my family was so far in debt that it wasn't even funny. But I'm making life happen for me. I have never touched welfare or food stamps and never been assisted by Affirmative Action. MLK said that we should be judged "not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character" what would HE think of Affirmative Action? By the blacks supporting the libs, they are further denigrating their culture, but they see it as help. It's sad, it really is.
The Great American, conservative in a blue state
Mar 21, 2008 @ 02:36 AM
Report Abusive PostThe world reads these articles and comments, not just partisan Americans.

The Declaration spoke to the world; and Barack's speech was heard around the world. Ironically, his "liberal" speech has made us all a little safer from the people who blow up children to make their "statement."

I said, ironically. "Reality" is full of paradoxes that go unnoticed but than can be pointed up on the worldwide sites like this one.

The whole world witnessed Wright, and many can see that "amerika" is not just "one-sided." It is a complicated place.
Long live our Holy Father from Bavaria!
Geworfenheit, The Black Forest
Mar 21, 2008 @ 06:24 AM
Report Abusive PostChris,
The only people I hear using the N word, adding the remaining letters, are blacks. Have you ever watched movies o listened rape music?
Eddie, FL
Mar 21, 2008 @ 07:11 AM
Report Abusive Post Racism is an industry and some people make a great living keeping it alive and well. What is sad to me is that Mr. Obama felt he had to talk about race at all. It seems that human beings feel the need to think of themselves as better than someone,anyone. That is why the most ignorant,uneducated white trailer trash individual will call a black person an "N".Look at societies where everyone looks the same and is from the same heritage. They still find enough differences among themselves to stratify their society. I do not think that will ever change folks. But our laws and educational systems MUST be developed and practised to insure equality for all. And only through personal responsibility will the plight of individuals be improved, not through government interference.
don, texas
Mar 21, 2008 @ 07:24 AM
Report Abusive PostWell I have to agree with Pat, he hit the nail right on the head. But my problem with white America is that they just won't speak up, why don't you people just tell black Americans(I'm one myself)to stop griping and complaining and get to work on their own communities and lives. I hated every word that Mr. Wright spoke but I know many black (and white) people that believe in everything he said. White America, you need to speak up and not be afraid of the black man or the liberal. The only way this problem will ever be fixed is if people stand up for what is right and not what is P.C.
I have only been called a N****r by black people, never by a white person(atleast not to my face).
God Bless America and I am soooo thankful that I'm here and not in Africa!!
Rod T, Los Angeles
Mar 21, 2008 @ 07:31 AM
Report Abusive PostI completely agree with Pat on this one.

Please read some articles about Bill Cosby's actions and also Walt Williams. These are two prominent black men who have stood up and said "we as a black community are failing."
White Male, Indiana
Mar 21, 2008 @ 07:38 AM
Report Abusive PostPat, you hit the home run again. Thanks for saying what I feel. I'm tired of having the guilt trip run up the flag pole every time race is discussed. His "great" speech is one I've heard before, and he just delivered it "slicker." Thanks Pat !!
Dan Curry, Benton, Arkansas
Mar 21, 2008 @ 07:46 AM
Report Abusive PostPat- an amazing and very brave (and true) article. Most are so cowed by being called a racist they can never utter such truths. Keep up the GREAT work.
Tom, Venice
Mar 21, 2008 @ 07:55 AM
Report Abusive PostDeny, Deny, Deny...I agree that all whites are not racist, but racism is like the emotion of envoy, its easily hidden. America is in a dangerous state of denial when it comes to race in this country. Instead of enjoying the best quality of life the world has ever known, they teach and practice hate. Perhaps God needs to remove such a gift and give it to a people more deserving. Pat Buchanan is a bigot, he stirs racial passions and gets paid for it. I use to like this guy, but now I just shake my head and same, shame. Perhaps he should be more interested in weather we will have a country in the future. Weather we will survive 2012.
Leo, Seattle
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:04 AM
Report Abusive PostPat obviously didn't listen or read the whole speech where Obama spoke about the justifiable resentment felt in the lower and middle class white communities about affirmative action. Although Buchanan talks about Altoona and Johnston, he neglects the fact that Obama did too. For the first time we have a presidential candidate address race head on and grapple with both sides of the black/white divide. I know Pat can read, why would he ignore those aspects of the speech? The speech was nuanced and complicated, like race relations in America. Pat boiled it down to the Duke rape case. How churlish and misleading. If Pat wanted to throw red meat to the would-be wolves, he's done it. If he wanted to honestly and faithfully read, think about and comment on the best attempt to reconcile blacks and whites in a generation, he failed. Before you judge Obama, read his speech in full. Pat gave you misleading snippets and sound bites. Shame on him.
JR, West Virginia
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:06 AM
Report Abusive PostTo all...I beleive Chris from toledo is actually Obamas Pastor in deguise. Pat you are RIGHT ON as usual and I for one feel no sympathy for these self created problems by black america, especially if you were born after 1960. What about the thousands of WHITE MEN who died in the civil war on the side of the north??? Ya dont hear to many black leaders talk about that now do you. How about a "thanks for my freedom whitey" day.
Gary, ca
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:14 AM
Report Abusive PostI think it is about time that we start doing those jobs, that the Mexicans won't do.
Edward , jasper
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:22 AM
Report Abusive PostOne more thing, I work with blacks and I have black friends. They are all succesful and happy because they laugh at the black leadership and know there success is because they know how to move on and let the slavery issue die and care about the things we all care about and not rap music or what jesse jackson has to say. and they live where crime is low or non existant because they left the bad areas for areas that are clean and pleasant to live in. and it aint south central la.
Gary, ca
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:25 AM
Report Abusive PostObama's going to do you a favor and not let his pit bull (Wright) bite you, but you have to dialogue on health care and improved public education in between growls and bites. Please pay attention he is smarter than you, got it? The Democratic party has annointed a guy first and identified him later. He plays the race card from every angle, but he never, ever, stops playing it - we are not individuals, we are types. Get used to four years of sociological upmanship because when he is elected you will have it 24/7 in one way or another. He turns the tables, sit down at the table with him at your own risk.
Edster, West Virginia
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:26 AM
Report Abusive PostWell you better get used to it. If Clinton cannot take him down with mud and Radio direct fire continues to be inneffective, McCain will have to go negative once he hits the general cycle. So far, it appears he somehow gains strength with each low blow. Translation - this country is angry with the present crowd. If timing holds, the present crop of bureaucrats may look like they were shot out of a CANNON!

I remember when Cassius Clay fought Sonny Liston. If Liston ever hit him with any of those roundhouse bunker busters, Clay would have cleared the ropes on his way out of the ring. But Cassius Clay seemed to be on a different plane. A different dimension. He was in a different fight.
Edward Holman, Dallas, Texas, USA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:28

Report Abusive PostFinally, someone brave enough to point to the war the blacks are waging against the whites! Look how the media ignored horrendous crimes like the Knoxville murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome.
David G, Lexington
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:45 AM
Report Abusive PostBarack wants utopia, primarily for his benefit.
This is not utopia, and he is not the Messiah.
Barack needs to read up on tribalism--it is everywhere

--Pat, send him a book!
Al, Miami
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:51 AM
Report Abusive PostI normally love your stuff, Pat but let's keep in mind that you were/are and always will be a big buddy of that despicable human being Don Imus. No he's not your pastor but you're still in his corner no matter what he says
peter martin, the ATL
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:54 AM
Report Abusive PostSenator Obama has the charming habit of changing his rhetoric for the benefit of his immediate audience, e.g. Democrat "Super delegates". On June 5th, 2007, Senator Obama pandered to 8,000 people gathered in Hampton University's Convocation Center. Most of them were pastors and ministers who shared his “victim politics.” He spoke mainly about post-Katrina issues, saying that a "quiet riot" might be occurring in America; he affirmed that he felt that America was a racist nation
caved1ver, Chesapeake, VA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:56 AM
Report Abusive PostAmen Pat. Until the black community/black church preaches personal responsibility, penalizes irresponsibility and the black community starts out along that course, no amount of whitey's money can fix its problems.
Tony, Polson, MT
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Report Abusive PostCan't we all just get along?

Not until each citizen of "the black community" decides, at long last, to take personal responsibility for his or her individual behavior and the results thereof.

In the meantime, I'll keep feeding and clothing your children, and waiting for my Thank You card.
Ted, Akron, OH
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Report Abusive PostAnyone who would support that bigoted, racist lunatic Wright's "ministry" to the tune of 20k is himself a bigoted, racist lunatic.

Here's how to make these black hustlers put up or shut up: Let's figure out what the average taxpayer burden is for incarcerating the average prisoner for 1 year. 50k, 70k 100k? Offer this amount plus a one-way ticket to any destination on the glorious continent of Africa *if and only if* they will agree to renounce any right of returning to the U.S. forever.

I'll be the first contributor in that line!
Michael, Houston
Mar 21, 2008 @ 08:58 AM
Report Abusive PostPERFECT - Buchanan has hit the nail right on the head.
Kit, Fort Lauderdale
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:00 AM
Report Abusive PostWow, I can't believe after all these years the race card crap still works. If we burn down and loot the city, play the race card and get grants and sympathy. Get passed over in line at Denny's, play the race card and get a hefty settlement. Never mind you had a party of 6 and a table of 2 is all they had. Get that cab's number that passed me by. Never mind he may have had a fare already, I can sue and win. So when my church is exposed as a bunch of biggoted racists--my gosh play the race card. We'll have whitey stymied again and on to the presidency. That's rich!
Charles P., St. Petersburg, Florida
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:02 AM
Report Abusive PostListen carefully, as this message is counterintuitive. If we really want to bring down the liberal establishment in both parties, the best thing to do is give them enough rope to hang themselves. How many conservatives really feel that the Republican party can get any more destructive than it already is or that McCain will not go along with every piece of liberal social legislation that comes his way? I thought so. In other words, we're between a rock and a hard place. In order to get out of this, let's all hold our noses and vote for Obama. His presidency will be walking into one of the most disruptive economic periods since the 1930s and he will also have to cope with the avalanche of baby boomers claiming retirement benefits from the government. My guess is that the next president will be even less popular than the idiot we now have. By letting Obama and his nutcase friends into the White House, we will see leftism discredited in a way that no conservative could purposely accomplish. Think hard about it. A hard right conservative backlash against an Obama presidency could bring us to power in 2012. Forget McCain. He's already a disaster. Let's hand off the poison pill to Obama...then stand back and watch the fireworks!
Xenophon, Atlanta
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:03 AM
Report Abusive PostGood for you Pat. Exactly correct!
John, Atlanta
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:04 AM
Report Abusive PostI could not have said it any better than Mr. Buchanan. I am a 50 year old White male who has been told all his life that it is MY fault that the black community is in the shape it is in.
Well, I am tired of being perceived guilty of sin that neither I nor my ancestors were any part of.
My ancestors came to America as indentured servants, WHITE SLAVES, in case any one can't remember there history.
I am constantly amazed at how the black community constantly whines about there station in life, yet do nothing to lift themselves out of it. Could it be because they have been raised in a total entitlement atmosphere since the debut of the "Great Society".
No legislation has ever done more to destroy this country than that of the Great Society. It has produced multiple generations of people, of all colors, to fell entitled to a living in our great nation.
It is time for the black community to realize that their Democrat "Saviors" have purposely put them in this situation, to make them so dependent on others, that they are unable or perhaps UNWILLING to fend for themselves.
The Black Community needs to learn that if they are going to wait around for someone else to give them the life they desire, they will never achieve it.
This country is and always will be the greatest Nation on Earth.
God Bless these United States!
Andy, USA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:04 AM
Report Abusive PostIn reading Chris' comments I can only think that he is not a white man. His comments are foreign to the average white man. He is way off-base and it seems he has been brainwashed in his thinking. Maybe he sat with BHO in the pews at the church in question.
Chris, Cincinnati, OH
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:05 AM
Report Abusive PostChris:
MLKJr. asked for equality of opportunity, NOT equality of outcome, which you socialist dumbocrats seem to want to give the minorities. This is the greatest country in the world, for now, and we are all responsible for our own actions, and if those actions come afoul of the laws, then we wind up in jail.
If the "Reverand" Wright is preaching from the Gospel his hatred of white people, he's using a different Gospel from that under which I was raised. The Palastinians that he's cursing America and Israel for persecuting would be the first to take his head off. I would pay his first class fare to any Muslim capital in the world if he would go on a Christian crusade and preach the Gospel in any mosque there. I would only have to buy a one-way ticket, the State Department would ship his remains home, because those people he seems to love so much would separate his head from his neck.
Get real, Chris, and wake up and smell the roses.
Bill Mangum
Bill Mangum, Decatur, GA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:05 AM
Report Abusive PostThe fatal flaw in Obama, the achilles heel which will sink his campaign, is that he wants to be all things to all people, and truly believes that he is the Messiah of Hope. You can't blame him, his sycophantic followers have circled the wagons against anyone who levels legitimate criticisms about his experience or judgment. But Americans are fundamentally skeptics, and at the slightest whiff of insincerity, they recoil. When they hear Obama decrying racism, but then see him embrace a pastor who is a racist demagogue, they can't fail to appreciate the disconnect. Ultimately, the thing that Obama excelled at was image, and now that there are visible cracks in that image, he is foundering. While he is an essentially good man (although far too liberal for the average American) he is not ready to be President. And frankly, with his naivete, he probably never will be.
Christine, Philadelphia PA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:07 AM
Report Abusive PostI guess he could just like you've sat at rallies that spewed black hate all your life
peep, in
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Report Abusive PostThe falacy of white on black racism as an institution is just that, a falacy. Yes, there are white racists in the world, not just here in the U.S. However there is also racism among other races as well. This first occured to me when I saw the aftermath of the Rodney King assault trial when white officers were wrongfully acquitted the blacks in L.A. rioted. But who were the targets of the riots, in most cases, it was not whites who were targets of violence perpetrated by the rioters. It was Asian store owners. Racism is alive and well in the U.S., but Blacks are not the only victims and whites are not the only perpetrators. Black racists have joined the White racists in the game and both are despicable minorities. Barry O. needs to get off the victim train and join the world in prosecuting the criminals in this mess, not just assigning blame.
Jon Weiss, Radcliff, KY USA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Report Abusive PostIt's time that Black Americans quit pointing fingers at everybody else, and begin to look inwards for whatever failings they perceive. It's time they began to listen to accomplished Black Americans, like Bill Cosby, when he identified the root of the problem with Black communities as being centered around the father, abandoning their responsibilities by abandoning their families. And what about Michelle Obama. Didn't she say recently that she was NOW finally proud to be an American for the first time in her adult life, no doubt, only because her husband is the front runner for the Democratic Pres. nomination? What about her education at Princeton and Harvard? Did she pay out of her own pocket for those "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunities at two of the best universities in the world? Was she not proud then to be an American when she received a 'free ride'? I don't "hear" gratitude from her...just bitterness and fomenting black anger. She recently refused to be interviewed by Greta @ FOX News...I know why...she, and her husband would only be exposed for the racists they are...20 years in Rev Wrights' Trinity Church is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
matt, fresno
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Steve, Augusta, GA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:09 AM
James Holodak, Yonkers N>Y>
Page 3
Report Abusive PostThe whining from SOME parts of the Black community will never end since there is no sense of personal responsibility felt by them. Pat eloquently points out illegitimate birth rates, fatherless homes, women getting pregnant multiple times by different men, etc, etc. Bill Cosby hits the nail right on the head on these issues; unfortunately there are too many enablers who make a living off the backs of their own like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc who simply want to perpetuate the "woe is me" syndrome instead of preaching (like pastors are supposed to do) on morality issues like premarital sex.

Why is it that millions of Mexicans (many of whom can not speak English) can make it here, but so many Blacks can not even after receiving free education, government handouts, etc?
Easy answer - they work hard! In one part of Chicago, the Hispanic and Black communities are separated by a rail line. The Black "side" is full of broken down homes and almost a complete void of businesses while on the Hispanic "side" there are well maintained homes and small family-run businesses literally side by side.

Bottom line for those wanting to perpetuate the myth that the mean White folks are keeping Blacks down? Give it up, look in the mirror, and start taking some responsibilites for your own actions (or lack of them).
Wes, Downers Grove
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:09 AM
Report Abusive PostThis is THE BEST column I've ever read re. race in America. This column (not Obama's speech, Chris "I'm for Barack" Matthews) should be required reading in all American schools.
Ray , Pittsburgh, PA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:09 AM
Report Abusive PostI am a Belarussian immigrant to America and I am sickened by the attitude of blacks. They have it much better than me. I would LOVE to have the same opportunities as blacks. I came because of Communism, which was just as bad as slavery, and I came with nothing.

And yet the blacks I meet thing I owe them something, and that I am guilty for their history. I wasn't here when they were slaves. I resent this. In fact, I resent the fact that they are stealing the name "slave" which comes from the word "Slav" ... it is MY ancestors who were the real slaves!!! I am the one that should have the handouts, and who should use my "victimhood" as an excuse for my lack of hard work, achievement and morality!

[Middle English sclave, from Old French esclave, from Medieval Latin sclāvus, from Sclāvus, Slav (from the widespread enslavement of captured Slavs in the early Middle Ages); see Slav.]
Schadenfreude, Brighton Beach
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:10 AM
Report Abusive PostRight on Pat! This incident has shown that Obama is nothing but another two faced liberal. If he was not he would have left that church a long time ago. He is a disgusting individual.
Scubby, Prescott, AZ
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:10 AM
Report Abusive PostThank you Pat. White guilt has encouraged a corrupt and decadent black culture. Obama has showed how black culture has festered beneath white denial. Reconcilliation is two-way. We must all speak direct and clearly without insults.
Rich, Atlanta
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:11 AM
Report Abusive PostChris, I find it hard to believe that anyone in my church would tell their children to use the N word. What kind of people do you hang out with? And another thing, I am really getting tired of being blamed for something that happened 200 years ago. My ancestors were not even in this country then, and I have to pay for it? Something is not right with this scenario. You all need to look in your own communities and start fixing the problems there.
Jeannie, Marion, IN
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Report Abusive PostPat, you have now gained my respect. Your article was one of the best that I have read in a long time. Excellent!
Sharon, Marinette
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:14 AM
Report Abusive PostHow many "white" TV, and radio commentators, writers, politicians and just plain Americans have lost their job for simple slips of the tongue after "blacks" and liberals have accused them of being racist. 0% of them ever spewed the level of venum and hate and anger that this minister spewed for 20 years to our presumed presidential candidate Mr. Obamma and his congregation. The only person I have ever read in history that spewed this much hate was one gentleman from Germany names Adolph Hitler and the current president of IRAN named Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Bob Parker, Mountain Top, PA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:15 AM
Report Abusive PostPat Buchanan's essay is honest and right on target.

The marxist Liberation Movement and its Leftist-Liberal proponents have been allowed free run for much too long.
Ed Martin, Charlottesville VA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:16 AM
Report Abusive PostThank you Pat for saying what needs to be said. A level playing field and honesty among players is the fairest thing anyone could ask for. I rose up from extreme poverty by the sweat of my brow, no favors, no preferences, no government assistance. Only the truly weak should qualify and receive extraordinary assistance. Then one has to only ask themselves: am I truly that weak? God bless this country.
Steve M, Lexington MA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:16 AM
Report Abusive PostThis is a wonderful article. It just goes to show that although the black community has been given countless opportunities, they'll continue to "shoot themselves in the foot" in order to be heard, and will continue to cry "racism." I'm not racist in any way, but this campaign has made me see that the black community will never stop feeling discriminated against no matter what the government or for that fact, individuals do for them. The figures in this article speak for themselves.
Kathy, West Virginia
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:16 AM
Report Abusive PostThis is a good article. We must remember that Obama is running to be President of all Americans. His speech was terrific if he was running to be President of Black America. However, more to the point, a President is supposed to stand up for the United States. If he won't, who will? I think Wright's comments offend me less as "whitey" and more as an American patriot. I'm beginning to wonder how committed Obama is to represent the United States, not the UN or some subset of America.

I don't want to write Obama off yet, but I do think he needs to prove that he will be a committed proponent of the United States, and not some other country or people. Unfortunately, he seems too ambivalent about his patriotism to me at this point to entrust with the highest office in the land.
Bill, Arlington, VA
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:16 AM
Report Abusive PostMy pastor and i are great friends but if my pastor ever preached anything but the gospel that is spoken of in the Bible I would be gone out of that church and the friendship would end.I for one am sick and tired of the black community blaming the whites.Black in America should get a job,send the Mexican back to Old Mexico.Hand outs from the government has ruined this country.The only thing we have to fear in this country is the government itself.
Glenn Jamison, Texas
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:17 AM
Report Abusive PostI know when I was a young man trying to get help to pay for college, the couselors told me flat out that all other things being equal if I was black the government would be all over themselves to give me grants and loans to pay for my education. So I don't want to hear any more of their crap. We will never have an honest debate about race in this country because no one will admit blacks are/can be every bit or more racist than any white person.
Matt Johnson, Wise, Va
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:18 AM
Report Abusive PostEverything Buchanan said in this piece is absolutely true!Trillions of dollars and it goes on and on.I will NOT pay for the sins of White guys or anyone else.I believe someone else is paying...Jesus.And Wright is NOT a man of Christ.Not even close.neither is Obama.Both support parcial-birth murder.But,support Gay marriage.Both have twisted the words of Jesus to fit their racist hateful agenda.Obama is a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" a false prophet is what both him and Wright truely are.god save this country if Obama gets in office.
Peter Cardarelli, boston ,mass.U.S.A
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:18 AM
Report Abusive PostI am an Irish Catholic, and even though we have had many SICK priests, I will not leave my church.. How about you???
Marie, NY
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:19 AM
Report Abusive PostChris----
Your racism shines through loud and clear. Obama is in crisis management mode and is dropping like a rock. It is solely because of his racist view of a white America that needs to feel guilty for something that we had nothing to do with. Most people in the country, whatever their race, just want a fair shake and as long as there are people like you out there that think we owe you something, no one will be treated fairly. Everybody get a raw deal from time to time. Get over it and move on with life. This is a country that rewards hard work. How hard are you working???
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Report Abusive PostNews Flash: The recipients of social services in this country have been and are primarily *white* in this country--look at the numbers. Welfare was originally designed to support women at home with their children--raising children is indeed a job, and one of the most challenging and important of occupations. The fall-out from lack of mothering and forcing mothers into the workplace will be felt for generations. post-1996 Clinton-made Welfare reform, many of these women are forced into accepting non-recession proof, low-paying jobs, and struggling to find affordable and safe childcare, transportion, and healthcare for themselves and for their children. Other woman are not able to leave abusive relationships because of *Welfare reform*; many states have not adopted the FVO (family violence option).

Years of oppression (political, social, economic) have devastating effects on disadvantaged and disenfranchised groups in this country--Rev Wright's comments in the pulpit are understandable given the context of his early experience as a black man in a segregated and extremely racist society--perhaps we should try to understand rather than condemn (look at the person in environment)--and see this as an opportunity to heal the divides in America by turning up the conversation on race and oppression--we have come a along way, but certainly not far enough.

We don't provide and effective and responsible level of social welfare services in this country, but it takes 2-3 minimum wage earners for a household to come even close to earning a living wage (in some cases to even afford a crummy apartment in an urban area), and there is great disparity in educational opportunities for young children--schools in poor neighborhoods have less resources. Is it any wonder that a staggering percentage of young minority men find themselves incarcerated and that there are very high unemployment rates among minorities.

Want an idea of what it is like to be poor in America--read Ehreinreich's Nickel and Dimed.

Obama's message is courageous--if *whitey* wants a dialogue, let him/her inform themselves first and then come to the table for a conversation. In the meantime, I applaud Sen. Obama for turning up the volume.

BTW, I am a white middle-class woman in a red state.
Cate, Laramie, Wyoming
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Report Abusive PostOf all the things I have read so far, Mr Buchanan makes the most sense.I must command his moral courage in stating what millions of white American feel, but are too afraid to write or talk about... letting the leftist Medias speak for them in stead. Bravo Mr Buchanan.
Pierrette, Boca raton Fl.
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Report Abusive PostThank you for this article! My sentiments exactly!

The victim attitude must be denounced, and responsibilty accepted by each, then we will see the unity we all want.
Glenda, Arkansas
Page 4
Report Abusive PostBear in mind that Wright brought Obama to Jesus. That outranks any other consideration in terms of their relationship. I can understand why Obama trusted this man, hyperbole and all. Obama has not embraced Wright's vitriol.
The issue of whether this relationship is worthy of a presidential candidate is more complex: do you want a careerist candidate who picks friends and pastors on the basis of political calculation?
FDuquette, Edmonton, AB
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:22 AM
Report Abusive PostOnce again Pat hit's the nail on the head. I wish the leftist media would give Pat equal time to respond to the racist political platform of Barack Hussein Obama.
As for this white man, given the arrogance of Obama in trying to shift blame for his and Jeremiah Wrights hatred of white Americans, onto the backs of white America, I am far less likely now than ever before to help any blacks.
Brian, Jacksonville, Florida
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:22 AM
Report Abusive PostChris, having grown up in NC in the 60's and 70's I take offense that you should speak for me and claim that we as whites are racists! I was raised that everyone was created equal, and was taught not to use the "N" word. You are not only part of the problem, people of your mindset ARE the problem! You continue to believe that because blacks have not prospered at a level of whites that we are someow to blame.
In my life as a white male, I have seen more descrimination towards whites in education and social programs than any other race. I have worked since I was 11 yrs old so please do not ask me to play into your sickness that has been propogated by a shamefully liberal press!
Randy, Reno, NV
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:22 AM
Report Abusive Postassimilate that is what blacks cannot or dont want to do. You get Koreans, Chinese and others coming over here and they get right to business. Get a place to stay, work and dont cause trouble for the most part. Why cant blacks do that in the past couple hundred years?
reese , syracuse
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:23 AM
Report Abusive PostI grew up in a southern home where my Father constantly used the N word. As I grew up I realized it was through ignorance and influence from his Father that he engaged in such foolishness. My dad grew up in the 30's and was stricken with polio so he only made it through the sixth grade. My point is this, I am not a racist for having grown up in that home. As a matter of fact, some of my life hero's include Dr. King and Nelson Mandela. I have a great deal of respect for Pat Buchanan he is dead on it in this article. The message is clear - We are all responsible for our choices and actions. We need to get away from victim tinking, and the blame game in America and start taking accountability for what kind of people we want to become. I see a lot of people on TV talking about how bad everything is in America but very few if any seem to have any solutions. The easiest job in the world is to be a critic, we can find fault with anything if we look long enough. The focus should be on solutions instead of all the energy and resources being used to point out everyone's flaws.
Once we put aside our self serving ego's and start focusing once again on our core values as Americans we will see amazing results.

JB, North Carolina
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:23 AM
Report Abusive PostChris,

Get a GPS and set the destination for "reality"
John, Aurora, IL
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:23 AM
Report Abusive PostKaren from LA.....Where did you grow up? If you don't think that parents and grandparents are teaching racial hatred to their kids, you have a very narrow view of the world. Wake up. I believe the key is for parents who were taught this to rise above and break the cycle as I try so desperatley to do. Teach your kids better. Racism is "learned" on all sides.
B, Montana
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Report Abusive PostI am so sick and tired of hearing how bad we white people treat our fellow black Americans. They have every opportunity the same as all Americans to get a good education and job yet many of them still blame the white race for all their ills. Get over it, get a good education and look for a better opportunity.
claire, kentucky
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Report Abusive PostChris, you're an idiot. Nowhere else in the world has one race fought to liberate another, as has occurred in the United States of America. The sad truth is playing the victim has shown to be quite profitable for blacks...not all, but for the vocal race baiters, for sure. Not only do they guilt whites for more money through entitlement programs and cut to the front of the line with affirmative action, but it is a built in excuse for their own failure or laziness. If they don't make good grades, can't get a job, show up late and are confronted by a supervisor, get a traffic ticket, etc, etc, it's all caused by white oppressors and harassment. Who are the heroes for young blacks? Not Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Condoleeza Rice, J.C. Watts, Booker T. Washington, or Bill Cosby, but gang-banger street thugs, gangsta' rappers, and pro athletes who make headlines for bad behavior.
The choice to be decent is up to them. I don't need any more of the same old crap from Barack Obama!
Larry, Fort Wayne, IN
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Report Abusive PostI shared the general public opinion of Barrack that he was a shining star and would be, one day, a leader of great importance, that is, right up to the first moment the media announced his 20 year relationship with Wright. That disclosure gave me pause to reconsider and now I am fearful he might actually become President of these United States. In short, he joined that large church for all the wrong reasons and stayed with it for the support that congregation would give him. It makes me wonder that had he been a Harley-Davison enthusiast, and a striving politician, and wanted to ride with a powerful club for the support they would offer, would he have taken to the road with the local chapter of the Hell's Angels. I am questioning his judgement level when I offer up this stretch of imagination.
Jack Morris, California
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Report Abusive PostThe white man has been waiting for something like this to be brought up about Barack,so they can call him a racist so that they feel good about hating blacks. Let us talk about how white folks teach thier children and grandchildren to call blacks by the n word and hate them for no reason. This is the heart of conservative america and people who call themselves christians.
You have a lot of nerve-I have a business in 'the hood' and I don't use the pejorative N, but everyone of color around me does, and it's really a shame. I never taught my kids to hate, or to judge on the basis of anything else than the content of the individual and their character.
America is the greatest country, with the mos opportunity, on earth, and that includes black America.
americanlover, florida
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Report Abusive PostObama would be such a disaster (even worse than Billary), that if he is elected president, my flag will fly at half-mast.
Drive, ohio
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:25 AM
Report Abusive PostI have a liberal brother-in-law that can't sit a a family dinner without bringing up race. Is it something in a liberals past that makes them look at everything in color? I don't get it. He calls me a racist conservative yet I am the one with black friends and co-workers and I have never been to a party at his house that had a minority of any color. I believe they are frauds. I also live next to the Kennedy compound and there are never blacks at any of their functions unless they are wearing an apron.
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:25 AM
Report Abusive PostTo the man who spoke about white people who teach their kids to use the "n" word, I have never taught my kids or grandkids that, or even uttered the word around them. Not only that, I do not know a single person who has done that. I suppose some have, but not in my experience or in the experience of those I know. As another response said, how would the writer know anyway. He just thinks/hopes that is true. Why? Could it be because of his own hatred of white people? Please get over it.
Burch , Florida
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:25 AM
Report Abusive PostThis is in response to Chris in Toledo. You are so wrong it is scary! I am a middle calss white male living in a racially mixed neighborhood. I have not heard my white friends utter the N word but I can't say the same for my black neighbors. As the teenagers next door and their friends play basketball in the street in front of our homes, every other word out of their mouths is the N word. But again, just another one-way street in the eyes of extremists like you.
Rick Myers, Houston
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:25 AM
Report Abusive Post"Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago."

well said!

D Andersen, Midwest
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:26 AM
Report Abusive PostYou know, I was one of those "white" kids that did grow up with parents that said the "n" word, etc. But now I'm 48 years old. I don't teach my children that. It is just plain stupid. I realize it was ignorance on their part, it didn't make me hate the black race, I really don't even think about race that much except to see it and hear about it on the news, etc. I agree with Pat's article. I'm over it. There will probably always be some type of discrimination...whether it be against fat people, mentally challenged people, black people or white people. Can't we all just get along?
Barbara, Wilmington, NC
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:26 AM
Report Abusive Post Pat Buchanan is a tool. Do you have any black friends? Are you friends with any cops? Any cops in your family, maybe? Think before you open your mouth. It's easy to spread BS on the internet because not one of you is accountable.
There's your answer
love, chicago
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Report Abusive PostPat - I expected better. Did you read the whole speech? It was far more balanced than your reporting on it suggested.
Roger Green,
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Report Abusive PostThe biggest problem we have with race relations in this country is Ignorance and Stupidity.

As long a "minorities" feel sorry for themselves, they remain ignorant.

To cure ignorance, they need to educate themselves about WHY they are in the position they find themselves. poor, downtrodden, picked on, etc.

Just a little education will show they vote democrat, because the democrat promises them salvation, and everything else their little hearts desire, and NEVER deliver.

After nearly 60 years it seems that a hint would have slipped into their conscience.

With hundreds of thousands of successful black people in this country that can be seen every day, logic would dictate that it's not the skin color that holds them back.

The difference between the two classes of American Blacks, is the individual perspectives and knowledge.

Successful people, regardless of race, realize that nobody is going to give them anything.

If they desire to better themselves, they're just gonna have to get off their duffs, educate themselves to the realities of their current position, and work to EARN a higher position in life.

And it makes not a whit of difference of skin color, religion, sexual orientation, or any other cry baby excuses.

If you want better in life, identify the obstacles, and WORK to EARN your way past them.

Stupidity is what you get when you REFUSE to EDUCATE yourself with FACTS that exist in your life.

If you rely on someone else to tell you how much you need help, then you deserve your stupid label.
CrustyOldGoat, liberalville, colorado
Mar 21, 2008 @ 09:27 AM

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